a lot of makerspaces and hackerspaces have one night per week or month where the ‘space is open to the public in buy to lure new people into joining up. Whereas a lot of members just write their name in Sharpie on a piece of masking tape, [Madison] wanted to do something extra. and what better way to get people interested in your ‘space than by wearing something beneficial that came out of it?

The badge runs on an ATtiny45 and uses three 8×8 ultra-bright LED matrices for scrolling [Madison]’s name. It’s powered by a tiny LiPo battery that is boosted to 5 V. This build really shows off a number of skills, especially design. We love the look of this badge, from the pink silkscreen to the the typography. one of the hardest things about design is finding fonts that work well together, and we think [Madison] chose wisely. Be sure to check it out in action after the break.

Custom name badges are a great way to start conversations no matter where you go. Here’s one that uses EL wire and LEDs that light up in sequence for an animated effect.

Thanks for the tip, [Michael Gardi]!

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