I arrived at the Kansas City MakerFaire bright eyed and bushy tailed, thrilled to meet up with like minded people and see amazing projects. I was not disappointed in that respect. The building itself is quite stunning with huge main rooms and decorated 40 foot tall ceilings. If you haven’t ever seen the Union station in Kansas City, I suggest you check it out. It is really quite wonderful on its own.

The event seemed rather well organized. There were talks on different subjects as well as clearly described areas for each event. The place was absolutely packed, but walking around still managed to be tolerable. Volunteers in bright red t-shirts were wandering around providing support to anybody looking lost or confused. I didn’t run into a single person complaining about the event. I’ve been to a ton of large events and there are typically a few people who were upset. I didn’t find any here.

The booths covered subjects from all over the place. There was knitting, model rocketry, robotics, lego construction, random hacks, cast making, and of course, 3d printing.  I’ll be posting projects separately, as there were only a selected few that I think our readers would enjoy.

There were only 3 things I found frustrating.

1. some of the coolest stuff I found, we have already covered.

2. I didn’t have time or ability to get as much detail on any one project as I would have liked. I’m used to seeing full write-ups with schematics and pictures. I only had a couple minutes with anyone. There were constant distractions as well as an remarkable amount of noise (tesla coils especially!). I walked away felling practically like there was no point in doing interviews, but I guess this is how “on location” stuff works.

3. My footage is shaky. I apologize in advance. I didn’t end up bringing a rig with me to stabilize the video camera and I spent the whole time wishing I had. I know how aggravating shaky footage is. I’m really truly sorry. I will flog myself appropriately at my soonest opportunity.

after the break is a small gallery of random pics from the event with pretty much no accompanying info. actual messages will be coming soon with details.

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